New FLASH SALE is Here

Coronavirus Policy

We have all been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and we hope that you and your family have kept safe and well.

Our priority has always been the safety of our clients and team, which in the current climate has grown in importance further. As such, we have implemented a number of significant changes which we would like to make you aware of prior to re-opening the clinic, which at present will be from July 4th.

During the lockdown, every Soluna London team member has completed the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and Control course which is accredited by the Guild of Professional Beauty Therapists, the trade body for our industry in the UK.

In addition to this, we have made a number of changes to help minimize the risks for all clients and our team.

Your appointment

Firstly, Soluna London is constantly reviewing the standards and practices we have in place to improve the levels of safety. With regards to our team members, each is screened for possible symptoms prior to beginning work in the business every day. If any of our team members detect symptoms of COVlD-19, as per government guidelines, they will self-isolate immediately. A potential effect of this maybe that appointments may be subject to short-notice alteration or rescheduling, of course in communication with our clients.

If you or anyone you live with have any symptoms of COVlD-19 – please advise us as soon as possible so we can reschedule your appointment. Under no circumstances must you come to the clinic if you are unwell or are exhibiting the applicable symptoms. You will be turned away if you show signs of being unwell.

We have amended our terms and conditions and you will not be charged for any appointments which you miss due to COVlD-19. Deposit and booking fees can be rescheduled until further notice as many times as are required but will not be refunded.

Visiting the clinic

To maintain social distancing, we ask that you attend your appointments as close to the appointment time as possible. We have updated our booking system which caps at the correct level in order to minimise the persons present in clinic at your appointment time. Please do not turn up too early or late for your appointments as this may result in you coming into contact with other clients who are leaving.

Appointments can only be attended solely by the person who has booked the appointment. Please do not bring a plus one to your appointment as they will be turned away, If you have booked appointments with friends or family members please come to the clinic one at a time even if you are from the same household. This is to protect our team and other clients who may be present in the clinic.

We have increased the frequency of cleaning in the clinic including making sure that common surfaces, toilets door handles etc. are wiped clean using disinfectant products between each client.

All tools and equipment will be disinfected or sterilised in line with the specific manufacturers’ instructions for your safety.

We have made accommodations in the clinic to provide hand sanitizers throughout the clinic and upon arrival you will be requested to both wash and sanitise your hands.

Ideally, we would request that you wear a facemask and gloves when you visit the clinic and during your treatment.

Our staff use personal protective equipment (PPE) during your visit and during your treatment. This may include disposable gloves/facemasks/aprons where appropriate.

The laundering of clinic towels and uniforms is a priority and we can assure you that all clinic laundry is washed at a minimum of 60 degrees celsius with anti-bacterial washing products.

All disposable items are bagged and safely removed from the treatment area between each client.

Our treatments

We have carried out an in-depth risk assessment on all treatments and we are confident that we can continue to provide these safely. We also have and constantly do review the government guidelines to ensure that we are providing an environment as safe as possible for our clients.

During your treatment

Our team understands the importance of hygiene and as always we have specific pre and post treatment regimes which are enforced without exception.

We will try to make your treatment as safe, comfortable and enjoyable as possible. If you have any concerns about your treatments, please let us know and we will do what we can to satisfy you.

After the treatment

In order to avoid handling cash, we are temporarily only accepting card payment.

All of these procedures have been implemented for your safety and that of our staff. We will continue to take advice from the Government and the NHS regarding safe practice and will amend them when necessary.

Thank you for your understanding.

Conditions with treatment solutions at Soluna London