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Tired Eyes

Tired Eyes

Although many signs of ageing are apparent on the face, it is the eyelids and surrounding areas which commonly show the first signs of ageing.

Tired eyes and droopy eyelids can occur at any age, but they are more common as we get older and tend to get more severe too as time progresses.

So while the odd fine line appearing around the eyes when you laugh can look quite cute in your twenties, by the time you’re in your 40s or 50s, these deeper lines and creases seem to be permanently visible. Loose skin around the eyes can make a person look really tired or sometimes sad, so eye bags and heavy eyelids or hooded eyes are not a welcome feature.

These lines, bags and lids are signs of ageing that tend to get worse as we age and can affect self-esteem.


Lines, wrinkles, droopy eyelids, eye bags, hollows… The skin in the eye area is very delicate and there is very little fat in the area. As the skin tissues lose collagen and elasticity, the skin becomes loose and lines/wrinkles appear. Excess skin can fall into folds either above or below the eye, or both.

Some clients are more susceptible than others to tired eyes. Those that smoke or have had a lot of sun exposure are likely to notice issues earlier than others, but sometimes it is a genetic issue, based on the bone structure and skin type.

Nobody wants to look tired or angry if they’re not, which is why so many clients are keen to refresh the eye area.

Frequently Asked Questions

As we get older, the skin, tissue and muscles around the eyes begin to soften and may begin to look saggy, resulting in bags under the eyes. Bags can also be due to a buildup of fluid, which can be caused by a salt-heavy diet, or first thing in the morning after sleeping.

As we get older, the skin, tissue and muscles around the eyes begin to soften and may begin to look saggy, resulting in bags under the eyes. Bags can also be due to a buildup of fluid, which can be caused by a salt-heavy diet, or first thing in the morning after sleeping.

Crow’s feet are wrinkles which appear around the eyes as we age. There are targeted anti-ageing treatments which can drastically reduce the appearance of crow’s feet, as well as topical anti-wrinkle eye creams and serums which can help soften them.

Insights from the team

Conditions with treatment solutions at Soluna London