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Rosacea & Redness

Rosacea & Redness

If you are experiencing redness, but also other symptoms, such as spots, visible blood vessels and dry and thickened skin, you could be suffering from a skin condition called Rosacea.

Symptoms include redness, flushing, hardening of the skin, spots, a stinging or burning sensation and the appearance of red broken blood vessels. Severe symptoms might include dry, sore eyes and a thickening of the skin, particularly around the nose. Most suffers report flare-ups, with symptoms worsening and reoccurring over time.

Rosacea affects more women than men, typically in their 30s to 50s; however symptoms can begin to show from early 20s. It is primarily seen on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin, as well as the neck and chest and is often mistaken for acne, eczema or some other skin allergy. Left untreated, symptoms will worsen, so early action is advised. Sadly, there is currently no cure, only treatment. But treatments have evolved considerably over recent years, allowing sufferers of Rosacea to enjoy clearer, smoother, stress-free skin.

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