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Crows Feet

Crows Feet

‘Crow’s feet’ is the common name given to wrinkles which appear at the side of the eyes, stretching out towards the temples. The term ‘crow’s feet’ developed because of how the lines splay out; in a similar shape to a crow’s claw or foot.

What Causes Crow’s Feet?

Laughing, concentrating, squinting or frowning; whenever you move your face your muscles contract. After years of frequent contraction, combined with environmental and lifestyle factors – such as exposure to sunshine, smoking or pollution – lines and wrinkles begin to form around the corners of your eyes. The eyes are often the first place to reveal the signs of ageing, as the skin is thinner and more prone to creasing.

The main cause of crow’s feet is a decrease in the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin. These proteins are responsible for our skin’s elasticity, but production drops as we age.

Crow's Feet Symptoms

You may begin to notice the first signs of crow’s feet in your late twenties and early thirties as faint lines begin to appear around the sides of the eyes. With time, these lines gradually deepen and become increasingly visible until they are very defined, taking on the so-called ‘crow’s foot’ appearance.

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